Coding and Statistics

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I love coding and statistics! In my second year of my BSc, I took a class on biological statistics where the labs involved learning to code in R. I initially fought it because it was hard to learn and I just kept getting so many error messages. However, I had to keep working with R for many more classes and eventually, the R language started to make sense and I started to enjoy analyzing my data in R. I have now been working with R for more than 8 years and I am proud to say I love coding. I am currently learning SQL and Python as well in my free time and have been working with HTML to create this website. As an ecologist, working with R has been crucial to my work and I want to make sure that others are able to feel confident with their coding and ensure people aren't turn away from coding and statistics just because of the intimidating initial learning curve. I have beenn working with Ecostats at UVic to help fellow graduate students increase their coding and statistical skills and I also TA the Biostats class at UVic.

If you are struggling with coding or statistics and want to chat about it, reach out, I would love to talk.