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Simple Examples of Functions

Examples of how to use the quadcleanR package functions for data cleaning and processing. This vignette will go through all the functions except the crop_area() function, which is explained in further details in the Why to Crop Quadrats by Area vignette.

Cleaning Quadrat Data from CoralNet

A simple walk through of how to clean up quadrat data using the quadcleanR package. This will go through all the functions except the crop_area() function, as well as visualizing the resulting data.

Why to Crop Quadrats by Area

The function crop_area() is powerful when working with quadrats of different sizes but the same density of points. This vignette will walk through why you might want to crop quadrats based on area and how to go about using the crop_area() function.

Cleaning and Cropping Quadrat Data from CoralNet

A complex walk through of how to clean up quadrat data using the quadcleanR package. This will go through all the functions inclusing the crop_area() function, as well as visualizing the resulting data. This vignette is good for those who have to crop quadrats and clean up the data.